Friday, June 13, 2014

Where Have You Been? What's Going On?

I haven't been around the past several days as I am working on a few other project right now to which I want to give a bit of time and attention.  So, if you haven't seen me around, that is why.  With any luck, I'll be able to post here soon about how the new projects are going, and I'll give you a taste of where I'm at.  Until then, however, I hope you all are having a lovely summer, and I am sure I will catch up with you all again soon!


Monday, June 2, 2014

Monday -- the Beginning

Whenever Monday comes around, I always feel like it's a new start--a new week to pin some hopes and dreams on and hope that I am doing better than I did the week before.  Some weeks are better than others, but Monday is that day that seems all hyper-charged with possibilities.  I know I should consider each new day it's own new start, but I've lived so long with that Monday start to my week that it's really hard to get out of that mentality.  And if a Monday doesn't go right?  Well, sometimes that can lead to some pretty lackluster weeks.  But today?  Today is not one of those Mondays.