Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Beauty All Around Us

Today I saw and heard two things that I absolutely needed to share with you all.  The first is a marvel of technology and art—something so wonderful and beautiful that brings us closer to the machines we have created to study this world and the universe beyond us.  The second is a tribute to a woman who, for many, was an inspiration and a comfort.  She passed away today, and while she may be gone, her legacy lives on in the lives and hearts that she touched.  You shall be missed, Mary!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Smile When You're Feeling Blue

So...I'm not feeling blue, but I thought maybe some of you out there might be.  And rather than spend a lot of time trying to do something about that through words, I figured this song pretty much says it all.  Enjoy!  And don't forget to smile!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Smell the Roses -- Blow Out the Candle

Life is short.  There’s no two ways around that.  Sure, there are things that live shorter lives than we do, and conversely there are creatures that live longer.  But all in all?  Life is short.  And every moment of it is precious.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Carpe Diem

You know that day…the one where you think about all those little things that you think you’ll never get done, but somehow you manage far more of them than you ever thought you would?  And then you got the date of your doctor’s appointment wrong, and your boyfriend’s Dad and his wife came back to their house you’ve been house-sitting for them?  And then you had a huge dinner for “the pizza night crew,” and it was messy, and full of laughter, smiles, good food, good company, and good drinks?  And then you took a walk with the one you love, and came back to find that cursor blinking at you—urging you to write something profound?

Well, …that was my day today.  It was a great day—a busy day, but a great day just the same.  And I’m not sure if I did all the right things, and I’m not sure if I said all the right things, and even though everything was really good, … somehow I’m still worried that I’ll mess all the good stuff up.  I mean, it’s bound to happen.  Right?

Letters to My Younger Self

Your dreams are your own.

That may seem like common sense to just about anyone, but last night, I was catching up on some Gilmore Girls, and I saw the episode where Rori was told by her internship boss that she wasn’t cut out to be a journalist.  It hearkened back to a time when I was a vocal performance major and the head of the vocal department told me much the same thing.

I wish, knowing what I know now, that I had been strong enough to choose to ignore those opinions, but, of course, that would mean I likely wouldn’t be here now—writing this blog.