Sunday, April 11, 2021

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President,

Through no particular rhyme or reason, this week has been a tough one for me; as I settled down today to write this letter to you, my inclination was to skip it.  With so much going on in the world, and with so many things I'd like to be doing, taking the time to write this letter just seems like one more chore to get through today.  But as I looked back over the past week at all the things your administration has been doing, I found myself smiling--being pleasantly surprised, and feeling in some small way like what I've been writing here matters.

Probably my favorite moments were Dr. Jill's press conference about Joining Forces, and then the videos of the White House Easter bunny.  But I also loved the sit-down with your Cabinet as they talked about your Jobs Plan for America--an infrastructure bill that, in my mind, is long overdue.  There was one photo that caught my attention, as well--something that resonated in my soul.

The POW/MIA flag flying atop the White House once again speaks to me of our continued commitments to our military families, something that was again echoed in the First Lady's project.  I hope you will speak more on this in the coming weeks and detail for us just how many people are still MIA or a POW in the world; their families deserve that attention and recognition, but more importantly they deserve a chance to heal and to be reunited with their loved ones.

Saying those things, I still find myself frustrated at the double standards that we hold--the choices that we are required to make in order to survive in a global economy.  There are enough criticisms of the MLB move alone--not even getting into the gun debate, or relationships with China and Russia, and our policies and actions in the Middle East.  One person's hero is another person's villain.  But I guess I am grateful that you are trying.  If our minds could be as wide as the world, our thoughts as broad, perhaps we could truly create a lasting good.  I don't if our country's founders had that vision in mind, but I do hope it is one we can embrace.

I want to say more on all of these things, but right now I'm just feeling drained and tired, Mr. President.  So, in lieu of our ofttimes longer conversations here, I think I'll leave it at that for today.  You've got so much on your plate, and I don't know how one sane man can keep track of it all.  So I'm glad you're not doing it alone, 'cause I'm pretty sure trying to do it any other way would be pretty insane.

Do good things and be kind to others until next week, Sir.  And give my love to your friends and family.

Tiredly, but not retiring from the fight,

~~ Jenni

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