Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Letters to My Younger Self

Your dreams are your own.

That may seem like common sense to just about anyone, but last night, I was catching up on some Gilmore Girls, and I saw the episode where Rori was told by her internship boss that she wasn’t cut out to be a journalist.  It hearkened back to a time when I was a vocal performance major and the head of the vocal department told me much the same thing.

I wish, knowing what I know now, that I had been strong enough to choose to ignore those opinions, but, of course, that would mean I likely wouldn’t be here now—writing this blog.

At some point in life, you’re going to come up against the opinions of others, and there will be times when the opinions of those you respect will be counter to the things that will make you happy—like following your dreams.

To this I say: your dreams are your own.  No one else’s opinion matters when it comes to your dreams.  The only person that matters is you.  Now, if someone says you’re looking unhappy while chasing those dreams, it doesn’t hurt to re-evaluate where you’re going and how you’re getting there.  But if someone tells you you’re never going to be good at something, ignore them.

Anyone can become good at anything if they put the time and effort into it, and if your dreams require some time spent plotting a course toward them, then take that time and expend that effort—especially if it’s something your heart is set on.

Because in the end, the people whose opinions were full of doubt won’t really matter.  But yours will.

So, get out there and follow your dreams!

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written! You become wiser by the day. Now.... continue your dreams.
