Monday, March 6, 2017

Mom Mondays

This past weekend, I attended the funeral of Tom Gilmore—John’s grandad.  Seeing the family pull together and express their love and sadness together was inspiring and tugged a whole lot at my heartstrings.

It made me think about what I’d do when my own Mom and Dad were gone—a pretty terrible thought, I’ll admit.  As far away as they both are, I know that no matter what’s going on in my life, they’ll be there for me.  And the idea that one day that won’t be the case is…well, quite frankly, pretty terrifying.

So, …last night, after our friends were gone and I had a little time to think on it, I realized that it might be nice to actually spend some time each week reflecting on things that I want to share with my Mom and Dad (the ones who raised me, and the ones who accepted me into their lives when John and I started dating nearly 11 years ago.)

There are a lot of things I don’t really know about you as people that I kind of wish I did, and …I think there are some things I want to share with you all, too—even as insignificant as they are.

Which is why I decided to start a tradition—Mom Mondays and Dad Tuesdays.  Each day, I’ll just write something—a thought, an idea, something I’m grateful for, and maybe a question that you guys can answer.  And for those of you who are reading this who aren’t my Mom and Dad, well…feel free to answer, too.

I feel like it was my Mom who tried to teach me that it was the little things in life that mattered.  That those little things blossomed into bigger ones, and that patience was needed.  One step at a time, and eventually you’ll be running.

So here is to mothers everywhere: thank you.  Your love and your sacrifices are not unrecognized.  Each hope and dream you had for us is something we will always treasure, and your happiness is something we will always aspire to see.

Mom, I hope you had a great time in Florida, even if it meant that I missed getting to talk to you.  And I’ll admit that I’m a little jealous that you probably got a chance to go to the beach.  I mean, sure…I’m here in California, but …the Pacific is not the Atlantic, and it’s not Florida.  (And I’m going to call you once I get this up.)

And Mom here, …you’re not alone.  Not ever ever.  We’re here for you.  So if you need us, just call or drop by.  Because the thought of you being sad or lonely is just an awful thought to me, and I don’t ever want you to be either of those things.  (Same goes for you, too, Mom.)

Hmmm…so…question time.

If you could have any food you wanted, what would it be?  Lobster?  Chocolate?  Lava cake?  Strawberries?  A Rockwell cake?  Sky’s the limit.  So let me know!  I figure it’s important to be able to spoil you from time to time, and if I don’t know what you love to eat, …well, part of the ability to spoil you is just somehow not there.

Happy Mom Monday to everyone out there.  Even if you don’t have kids, ladies, somewhere, someone out there has looked up to you, needed you, and loved you for the love, compassion, and hope you had for them.  So, in my book, that makes you a Mom to someone, too.

1 comment:

  1. This mom loves lobster! Fresh fish is also a favorite (mahi mahi, red snapper, and a delicacy would be raw conch with a little key lime.) Just saying.... Love you
