Friday, January 17, 2014

Exercise Is Good

The title of the post is something we've all heard before, but the truth of it isn't always something we believe.  A lot of people start exercise plans or make great weight-loss goals for themselves, but then those things fall by the wayside as it becomes harder to schedule time for it, or we lose interest, or we grow disheartened with how little progress we're making.

The point of exercise though, to me, shouldn't be about getting smaller, or more muscular, or less fat.  The point of exercise is to do something good for yourself.  It doesn't matter where you start.  Even if all you do is start with raising your hands over your head every morning in a long stretch--that's still a beginning.

And sure.  It helps to have some motivations, but you shouldn't be discouraged if some days aren't as good as others.  The point is to keep trying--to keep pushing yourself, and to do something that is good for you.

There are a lot of studies that have been done over the past 20 years that indicate that exercise promotes the creation of dopamine (a neurotransmitter that helps produce feelings of satisfaction and pleasure according to the U. S. Department of Energy) and chemicals that are used to create serotonin (which when it is made in the brain is another neurotransmitter that seems to be related to so many different things; most notably, however, it appears to affect our moods about things.  A lowered state seems to give depressed moods--including stress and aggression, while greater levels appear to ease anxiety; lessen negativity; and heighten more favorable responses when it comes to romance and personal interactions).  So, it's pretty obvious why exercising makes us feel good there.

But exercise has a lot of other benefits, from longer life to better health.

Not only that, but if you're fat like me, exercise burns fat!  So that's some good news.  And I'm pretty sure we all want to look better and fit into those size sixes and fours one day.

That said, ...the only thing that can stop all this good stuff from happening in your life is you.

So please don't be afraid.  And please don't give up--even if you start and stop and start again.

Because exercise is good.

P. S.  Just 30 minutes of walking, five times a week is enough to improve your overall health from decreasing the symptoms of diabetes and depression to increasing bone density to preventing cancer.  Take a look at and enjoy this video about walking!

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