Sunday, January 12, 2014


There are a lot of articles these days that are telling us how we ought to disconnect--set aside our cell phones, computers, and televisions.  And while maybe that's a good idea, I think the real message lies not in what we're getting rid of, but rather what we're reconnecting with--the people and the world around us.

And I think that's a pretty great idea.

Still, I have to commend the internet and our TV's when it comes to connecting us with other people--not just with social networks, but with games, world news, and even hobbies.  We learn about the troubles and trials of other people in the world, and oftentimes we are presented with the fact that in spite of our different languages and our different locations, we have a similar desire--to be free to do the things that make us happy.

And sadly, not everyone can do that.  Some places are beset by wars, unrest, and loss.  The very things that many of us take for granted are things that people around the world are fighting just to obtain--or maintain.

So maybe if you're sitting there watching football or the Golden Globes, spending some time with your family, cleaning, playing on the computer, or cleaning out your DVR queues, please don't forget that you are a part of a larger whole--that the world around you, while filled with many joys still holds many sorrows and injustices.

And maybe there's something you can do to help.

And if there is, I urge you to do so.

Reconnect with the world around you, and hopefully you'll find that in making those connections, you can bring a little more happiness into the world.

"Everything comes from the same source. You can be at absolute ease only if you experience yourself as a part of existence, not as a separate individual." -- Sadhguru
The following picture was obtained from Facebook, and was posted by Fantasy and Sci-Fi Rock My World.

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