Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year -- New Resolution

I'm always reading in writing blogs that the biggest detriment to writing is the simple act of sitting down and actually putting words to paper--or more literally to the digital blank canvas.  So rather than take a lot longer to get my first post done (as I don't really have a lot of time left in the day to get this finished), I am simply going to write.

That said, today was a long day of learning some HTML and CSS codes with John, figuring out what a creative commons license is, and what sort of license I actually wanted to use for my new blog.  Then there was the long trial of trying to find a picture that could be used in the background that wasn't licensed as "non-commercial" (and believe me, there aren't very many of those), and then try to put everything together in such a way that my life is less of a horrible digital mess than it was about twelve hours ago.

Amidst all that were texts from my mom wishing John and I a happy new year, a call from Cynthia apologizing for being unable to join us for pizza night, and the inevitable need to get my site-write post finished for this contest thingie I am doing for World of Warcraft stuff on my server.  All in all, I think I managed to hermit the day away in the wonderfully creative world of writing--while learning a smattering of things that I will no doubt forget before the new year dawns once more.

Useful way to spend my time?


I have so many things I want to share with those of you who come to read this blog--so much hope that maybe something I say here will touch you in some way and inspire you to do something more with this new year of 2014.

But for now, ...a humble beginning brimming with possibilities--and a mind brewing with all the wonders that I can't wait to share with all of you.

Happy New Year, world.  Happy New Year, readers.

Here's to the start of something wonderful.

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